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What are healthy summer snacks for kids?


1. Fruit Kabobs:

   Encourage kids to create their own fruit kabobs using a variety of colorful fruits like strawberries, grapes, pineapple chunks, and melon balls. They can use skewers to make fun patterns and designs.


2. Frozen Yogurt Bark:

    Spread a layer of Greek yogurt onto a baking sheet, then sprinkle with sliced fruit, granola, and a drizzle of honey. Freeze until solid, then break into pieces for a refreshing and nutritious treat.


3. Veggie Sticks with Hummus:

   Slice up crunchy veggies like carrots, cucumber, and bell peppers into sticks and serve with a side of hummus for dipping. It's a satisfying snack packed with vitamins and fiber.


4. Homemade Popsicles:

    Blend together fresh fruit like berries, mango, or kiwi with a bit of fruit juice or coconut water. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for a cool and healthy summer treat.


5. Ants on a Log:

    Spread peanut butter or almond butter onto celery sticks and top with raisins or dried cranberries. It's a classic snack that's fun to eat and provides a good balance of protein, fiber, and natural sweetness.


6. Smoothie Bowls:

   Blend together a variety of fruits like bananas, berries, and spinach with yogurt or milk to create a thick smoothie base. Pour into bowls and top with granola, sliced fruit, and a drizzle of honey for a nutritious and satisfying snack.


7. Frozen Grapes:

   Wash grapes and freeze them for a refreshing and easy snack. They're like little bite-sized popsicles and perfect for keeping kids cool on hot summer days.


8. Cucumber Slices with Cottage Cheese:

    Slice cucumbers into rounds and serve with a dollop of cottage cheese on top. It's a simple yet tasty snack that provides a good balance of protein and hydration.


9. Trail Mix:

   Mix together a variety of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits like almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and dried apricots. Portion into small bags or containers for a convenient and nutritious snack on the go.


10. Watermelon Pizza:

    Cut thick slices of watermelon and top with Greek yogurt or coconut yogurt, sliced berries, and a sprinkle of shredded coconut or granola. It's a fun and creative way to enjoy a refreshing summer fruit.


11. Rice Cake Toppings:

   Spread rice cakes with almond butter or cream cheese and top with sliced fruit, like bananas or strawberries, for a crunchy and satisfying snack.


12. Frozen Banana Pops:

    Insert popsicle sticks into peeled bananas and dip them in Greek yogurt or melted dark chocolate. Roll in crushed nuts or shredded coconut and freeze until solid for a delicious and nutritious treat.


13. Edamame:

   Steam or boil edamame pods and sprinkle with sea salt for a protein-packed snack that's fun to eat and easy to prepare.


14. Apple Nachos:

   Slice apples thinly and arrange them on a plate. Drizzle with almond butter or melted dark chocolate, and sprinkle with toppings like shredded coconut, chopped nuts, and dried fruit for a fun and healthy twist on nachos.


15. Frozen Yogurt Tubes:

   Fill reusable silicone tubes with Greek yogurt mixed with pureed fruit or fruit juice. Freeze until solid for a cool and creamy snack that's perfect for hot summer days.


These snacks are not only delicious but also nutritious, providing kids with the energy they need to stay active and healthy during the summer months. Plus, getting kids involved in the preparation process can make snack time even more enjoyable and help foster a love for healthy eating habits.


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